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Booklet Page # 4

Silver Solutions History

Medicinal silver solutions were developed circa 1891. Widespread use of these products by practitioners as oral and injectable antibacterials occurred prior to 1930. There were many names for these silver products and solutions produced by different manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. Some names were: Argenti Acetas, Albargin, Argonin, Argyn, Argyrol, Largin, Lunosol, Novargan, Proganol, and Silvol, to name just a few. The effectiveness of the silver solution, as antibacterials depended on the standard of manufacture and the time elapsed since manufacture. In general, the silver solutions formulated by physicians from the commercially prepared powders were effective in varying degrees for up to 14 days from the date of formulation. Depending upon the manufacturing process, skin staining could occur when the products were used topically. Although chlorinated soda could remove some of the stains, some stains remained permanent. None of these products were as effective against bacteria as silver nitrate. However silver nitrate had potential serious if not fatal, side effects due to its toxicity. The silver solutions which had the highest efficacy were the preparations made in the doctors office and which were administered immediately, either orally or via injection.

The pharmaceutical companies continued to produce colloidal silver products, but their use gradually fell into disfavor with the development of sulfa drugs, and the later development of penicillin. By the mid 1970's, all of the major U.S. pharmaceutical companies ceased production of these products.

By 1990 there were only a few people making silver solutions - mostly dietary supplement producers. They made the product themselves, on a small scale in the way the solutions had previously been made. Unfortunately, this usually resulted in a totally unstable product that showed only sporadic effectiveness. In 1992, a U.S. Doctor, was using a colloidal silver made by a company named Silverado. He noticed that Silverado's product produced limited effectiveness against some infections some of the time, but wasn't effective at all against the same infection at other times. The Doctor  had the foresight to believe that silver solutions had the potential to be very effective in treating infections if manufactured properly. He then contacted the research department of a national pharmaceutical company, and requested that they look into a possible problem with the Silverado product, or research the possibility of manufacturing a better silver solution.*

This U.S. pharmaceutical company's research department found the problem immediately with the Silverado product, and contacted the company. Silverado stated they would work in correcting the problem.*

A few months later, the pharmaceutical company's research department discovered a unique way to infuse the silver into one particular protein. This produced an extremely stable mild silver protein (MSP) with enhanced antibacterial properties. Further testing confirmed the compound to be extremely stable. The product was then sent out to doctors, the NIH, and universities for testing.*

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News traveled rapidly from the doctors using this newly developed MSP, as it was effectively treating many antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. As a result a number of unscrupulous individuals came out of the woodwork and began to produce silver solutions, claiming them to be miracle drugs, based on the results derived from this product. These substances, sold as dietary supplements, appear to have been made the old way. They reveal little efficacy and are inherently unstable.*

Test results of these poorly-made silver solutions reveal that many of them contain no silver or silver ions, and are in some cases nothing more than colored water.

Additional in vitro testing against a common bacteria (S. aureus) showed some of these products to be totally ineffective, as noted below:

                                        Zone of Inhibition
Source Naturals (Ultra Coloidal)                 0
Silver Care                                      0
Kaire International                              0
Although most of the newly-introduced silver solutions appeared to be frauds, a few silver solutions tested did contain some silver, and reflected some stability. Nevertheless, other problems were identified. For example, although some silver solutions were stable for a few weeks, ultimately the silver precipitated. This happened in *"all" tests conducted with solutions of silver and water only. Some manufacturers stated that their products were produced via electrical charge, which implied that the product contained silver ions. Tests revealed the ion content to be no more than that of normal tap water.Some silver products were made from silver nitrate which can be extremely toxic if any silver nitrate remained in the product- Additionally, protein stabilized products can have high concentrations of nitrites, nitrates and sodium, which can be toxic. One product tested, which was labeled as being manufactured by an FDA-approved laboratory - although not stating a lot number or expiration date misstated the concentration of the product by over 400 ppm. This product is called Colloidal Silver "High Potency" by Innovative Health Products.

The Silverado product has recently tested again to see if they had corrected their problems. A recent sample of Silverado product was tested, Lot #7328, expiration 4/97. which revealed 4 ppm with negligible silver ions. Another sample of the Silverado's product, Lot 16143, expiration 7/97, revealed 2 ppm with negligible silver ions. Noticeable particles were observed floating within the sample of Silverado's product, Lot #6143.

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The new formulation was first introduced as an over-the-counter drug, and later came out with the MSP at Low concentrations as a trace mineral dietary supplement at 30 ppm. At concentrations above 12,000 ppm* the research lab believes more human testing needs to be conducted before recommending this special formulation MSP for human use.

Ongoing studies done in-vitro and in-vivo over the past three years have revealed that these silver solutions, Special Formulation MSP (SFMSP), and silver solution (SS) have inhibited or have been lethal against HIV. The same effect was found in vitro regarding C. albicans., C. neoformans, the spirochetes in Lyme disease, E. coli, S. aureus, S. pneumonia, and P. aeruginosa. One of the lab's products also partially inhibited Enterococcus in-vitro. Further testing at higher silver concentrations will no doubt prove that this antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria is also susceptible to the lethal bactericidal effects of MSP.*

Reports from doctors and practitioners that have been using the new MSP in-vivo for almost three years report correspondinglyin-vitro testing.

Condensed limited in-vitro testing results, limited doctors' and patients' in-vivo reports, and toxicity studies follow.  All references to MSP refer to this new Mild Silver Protein developed and manufactured in North America.*

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Booklet Page #7

Clinical Use Report Of MSP

Dr. Joseph Cardot from Colorado

Researchers have been warning the medical establishment for years that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics could spawn, they warned, would create a "post antibiotic world" where common, as well as uncommon, infections would quickly escalate into fatal illnesses. The warning have been ignored; the result is that we are - right now - facing a major threat to human life from formerly treatable infectious conditions.

A friend of mine, Dr. Richard Callahan, York, NE, in a recent phone conversation remarked that, in his opinion, mutated pneumoccus bacteria and viral pneumonia will be killing thousands of Americans annually within five years. Bad news indeed.

The good news is that Mild Silver Protein (MSP) may be an answer to the dilemma we are facing. I have operated a family practice for 37 years where I have treated all types of infections in patients varying in ages from infants to over ninety.

Before prescribing any treatment I believe a doctor should determine if the patient might suffer harmful effects from the treatment. "First Do No Harm." The treatment should also offer the prospect of helping the patient recover. MSP meets both of the criteria.

I started using a silver suspension in protocols for patients with infections in January of 1992. The first patient, a female, had "walking" viral pneumonia. She was placed on one tablespoon of the silver suspension t.i.d. She was asymptomatic the fourth day into treatment. I was astounded. I thought that it might have been a misdiagnosis. Since that first experience I have treated more than 50 cases of viral pneumonia with the same positive results. Time of treatment varies, due to patient condition and severity of infection, from four days to thirty days. The outcome, however, is consistently positive; the infection is cleared.

Since that first experience I have included MSP in protocols for all types of infectious diseases with positive results.

MSP has cleared reoccurring ear infections in children who were scheduled for tube surgery making the procedure unnecessary.

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Infectious fibromayalgia(Fibromyositis) andSjögren's syndrome patients have benefitted from MSP therapy; MSP therapy helps manyrheumatoid arthritis patients with synovial fluid infections that are causing inflammation to no longer need steroids.

SystemicCandida Albicans is successfully treated with MSP. It is so effective we must start with small doses to controlHerxheimer effect.

Staph and other infections in the mouth(Gingivitis) have dramatically improved with MSP therapy.

The Lyme disease spirochete(Borrelia burgdorferi) is eliminated using MSP therapy. I have records of Lyme patients who have been taking various antibiotics for three or more years who have become asymptomatic on MSP therapy after just three or four weeks of treatment. The average duration to rid the body of the spirochete is three to nine months. Systemic Candida Albicans frequently occurs in patients with Lyme; complicating the treatment and prolonging the duration of treatment.

Lyme disease is far more prevalent than is generally known. Lyme has been reported in the U.S. in 43 states, and in all of Canada. I believe that reported cases of Lyme represent only about 20% of the actual number of Lyme cases. Lyme is routinely misdiagnosed as meningitis or as a "heat rash." A red rash is a typical symptom of Lyme. Mild Silver Protein solutions* are proving to be 100% effective in getting rid of the Lyme spirochete when they are included in the treatment protocol.

The important thing about MSP therapy is that it is non-toxic. I have never observed any side effect from using MSP therapy, and I have used it in patients with all kinds of infections. In acute conditions as much as four tablespoons per day has been given, with no adverse reactions observed or reported.

HIVpositive patients have responded to MSP therapy if begun before the advanced stages of full blown AIDS. Temple University studies indicate that MSP kills the HIV virus in vitro. I believe that the HIV can be completely eliminated by using higher concentrations of MSP than can be absorbed with oral dosing. In vivo studies should be done using 250 to 750 ppm MSP administered IV. Due to the fact that MSP is non-toxic in high concentrations, this should prove to be a God-sent treatment for the millions who are suffering and dying from AIDS related illnesses.

The use of AZT and other chemotherapeutic drugs, in the vain attempt to treat AIDS is, in my view, simply death by prescription. These drugs destroy DNA and the immune system; a case of "the cure being as bad as the disease."

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Why not use a proven to be non-toxic protocol with AIDS patients, rather than the present approach of hitting them on the head with a hammer to get rid of the headache?

Scientists at a major U.S. pharmaceutical company have developed a Mild Silver Protein solvent formula (MSP). This formula, when applied to the gums, produces dramatic improvement with the first treatment.*

Saturate a band-aid pad with MSP and apply to ringworm. The infection is cleared in 2 to 3 days.

Psoriasis(virus in the skin) responds to MSP, applied topically. Within 3 weeks of treatment (b.i.d.) new normal skin growth is observed. It takes three to eighteen months of MSP therapy to heal psoriasis.

MSP is so effective in treating gum diseases (Gingivitis) that, in my opinion, if widely utilized in the population, it could eradicate gum disease completely.

I have seen patients withsevere infections of the mouth whose symptoms included swollen gums, tongue, and cheeks (making them unable to speak or eat) improve immediately. Following one application of MSP most could eat. These severe infections are completely cleared after two to four days of applying MSP four times per day.

We have seen excellent results using MSP therapy in Herpes genitalis. If MSP is applied topically when itching and soreness occurs prior to vesicular eruption it prevents eruption in more than 50% of the cases. Eruptions are mild when they do occur. If treatment is continued b.i.d. topically to the area, the infection clears in half the usual time. Patient should also take 2 teaspoons of MSP orally daily and remain on 1 teaspoon per day to help eliminate future out-breaks.

Herpes Zoster(shingles) has been successfully treated as well. Pain is substantially relieved and duration of eruption reduced as indicated above with h. genitalis, (same Protocol).

Mild Silver Protein is not a standard colloidal silver suspension. It is made by a licensed laboratory, that has research to substantiate its efficacy and safety for use in vivo to control infection.*

Many companies have jumped on the bandwagon producing colloidal silver products. Many are unstable; rendering them useless. Most are formulated with only 3 to 6 ppm. Silver suspensions are not homeopathic remedies. They are more effective in higher concentrations. The lab formulates MSP at 30 ppm and 40 ppm as a dietary supplement, and topical application. Types of concentrations I have access to in my practice, range from 30 ppm, 40 ppm, 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 400 ppm, 500 ppm, 1,100 ppm, 2,000 ppm, 5,000 ppm and 10,000 ppm, with 5,000 ppm "now" being demonstrated to be the most palatable to the patient and effective*. These concentrations are responsible for the results achieved with patients coming to my clinic that I have shared with you in this article.*

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If you and your doctor had access to something that would effectively kill all kinds of infections, and that was completely non-toxic with no side effects, it would be a blessing.

Mild Silver Protein has proven to be that blessing in my practice.

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Booklet Page #11

Personal Experience with Lyme Disease and Candida

by Dr. Paul Farber

In July of 1992 I was bitten by the Deer Tick (Ixodes Scapularis) which according to Dr. Thomas Craig, D.V.M. of the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and parasitology carries the Spirochete which is the causative agent of Lyme disease. After my diagnosis was confirmed a medical doctor, who is a neurologist, put me first on Penicillin orally for two weeks, and then intravenously for four weeks. The results to my symptomatology were minimal and I experienced many side effects including Candida Yeast Infection because of the penicillin's destructive effect on the friendly acidophilus bacteria in my stomach and colon. Since this treatment did not work, the neurologist prescribed a cephalosporin called Rocephan. Unfortunately, this treatment accomplished no more than the penicillin, had many unpleasant side effects, and worsened my candida yeast infection.

Not knowing what to do, or where to go next I was led to a Dr. Joseph Cardot from Colorado. He told me that Mild Silver Protein was helpful against spirochetes and suggested a regiment to follow. I began with two tablespoons a day for the first month holding it under the tongue sublingually for a minute, swishing it around the mouth for ten seconds, and then gargling and swallowing. I did the same thing for the second and third month, but only one tablespoon per day.

By the end of the first two weeks my 35 different symptoms, including extreme pain, paralysis, and numbness were about 25% relieved with no side effects. By the end of the first month I was over 50% well. By the end of the second month I was 75% well. After 3 months of treatment I was 100% well. I have been 100% well for over 2 years. Was I cured from Lyme disease and candida yeast infection? In my opinion and the opinion of Dr. William Burgdorfer, Scientist Emeritus who discovered the spirochete as the causative agent of Lyme disease, and Dr. John Parks Trowbridge, M.D. an author and expert in the field of candida yeast infection, I appeared to be CURED.

Dr. Burgdorfer, who became a close friend, then shared with me that the world would not believe my results without scientific documentation.

It seems that there is enough testing from universities, and reports from practitioners that the Mild Silver Protein developed not only works on Lyme disease but a good deal more bacterial, viral and fungal infections.*

Go to the Lyme Disease information page.
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Booklet Page #12

From "Penicillin to "Mild Silver Protein"

An Answer to Lyme Disease "Without Antibiotics"
By Dr. William Burgdorfer, Ph.D.
Rocky Mountain Laboratories, Division of N.I.H.

In 1949, Dr. Sven Hellerström from the Dermatalogical Clinic of Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden presented a paper "Erythema chronicum migrans Afzelius with meningitis" at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Medical Association in Cincinnati, Ohio. In presenting his case, he provided convincing evidence that both erythema and subsequent meningocerebrospinal symptoms may develop following a tick bite. He also reported on the successful treatment of his patient with penicillin, a drug shown previously by his colleague Dr. Hollström to be effective in the treatment of Erythema chronicum migrans (ECM).

In the United States, ECM was first reported in 1970 on a physician bitten by a tick while grouse hunting in northeastern Wisconsin. The attending physician, Dr. Rudolf Scrimenti, recognized the similarity of the patient's skin reaction to the lesions of European ECM and promptly and successfully treated the patient with penicillin. The treatment of three additional patients with penicillin and of one with erythromycin resulted in complete resolution of symptoms within 48 to 72 hours.

Considered unrelated to ECM were skin lesions in 13 of 51 residents in the eastern Connecticut towns of Lyme, Old Lyme, and East Haddam where, since 1972, clusters of inhabitants had been suffering of an illness characterized by recurrent attacks of asymmetric swelling and pain in large joints, especially the knee. Since such arthritic conditions were not known to be associated with ECM in Europe, the illness was thought to be a new clinical entity and was named Lyme arthritis, later changed to Lyme disease once it was realized thatarthritis was only one of several clinical manifestations of this disease.

The search for effective antibiotics in the treatment of Lyme disease began in 1982 with my discovery of a spirochete now known as Borrelia burgdorferi as the causative agent of Lyme disease and of ECM and related disorders (acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, lymphadenosis benigna cutis) in Europe. The antibiotics found effective include tetracyclines (doxycycline, minocycline), penicillins (penicillin G, amoxycillin), cephalosporins (cefataxim, ceftriaxone), and erythromycin. Application of these drugs depends on the time the disease is being diagnosed. Early Lyme disease is treated orally whereas late Lyme disease requires parenteral or a combination of parenteral and oral applications. Treatment failures have been reported for each of these drugs particularly for the tetracyclines that are only temporarily effective unless they are applied over long periods of time, i.e. months even years.

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Controversy exists over the length of treatment using  Mild Silver Protein (MSP). Some investigators consider 21 to 30 days sufficient for the elimination of the spirochetes, while others believe that patients must be on therapy until they are completely free of symptoms.*

The diagnosis of Lyme disease is a clinical one and is based on the development and recognition of the skin lesion (erythema migrans) a few days, weeks, or even months, after the bite of an infected tick. Unfortunately in up to 40% of the patients, the skin lesion does not develop, is not recognized, or is overlooked. Thus, without treatment, the disease spreads throughout the body and may affect the muscular, skeleton, cardiac and nervous systems.

Indeed, Dr. Farber's recent claim having used MSP to successfully cure himself from late stage Lyme disease, comes at a time when thousands of patients suffering of this disease are refused extended antibiotic treatment because their physicians are unable to associate their clinical manifestations with those of Lyme disease.

Although never established scientifically, it appears that the Mild Silver Protein silver colloid disables the enzyme(s) used by bacterial, fungal and viral agents for their oxygen metabolism causing them to suffocate upon contact. In vitro studies with Mild Silver Protein and the Lyme disease spirochete, B. burgdorferi, revealed a 100% killing effect within less than five minutes after exposure to the silver preparation.*

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Booklet Page #14


Preliminary laboratory studies on Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes revealed that mild silver protein solutions reduce the growth rate of these cells significantly and eventually lead to cell death. It has been pointed out, however, that the spirochetes tested belong to a laboratory ATCC strain which is widely used in cell and tissue cultures and does not represent recent isolates from Lyme disease patients. In these tests, various concentrations of silver protein solutions were added to the culture of Borrellia spirochetes. Low concentrations of a silver protein solution (ranging from 2 to 10 parts per million) slowed the growth rate of the spirochetes over a time span of 1 to 3 days. Higher concentrations of silver protein (between 15 to 75 parts per million) had a much faster deleterious effect on cell replication. Growth inhibition depended on the concentration of the silver protein and on the duration of treatment.

More studies are definitely necessary to obtain a clearer picture of the interaction between the silver protein and Borrelia burgdorferi. As these very preliminary studies suggest, growth and replication of Lyme spirochetes are measurably inhibited by silver protein in the in vitro setting.

Manfred E. Bayer, M.D.
Senior Member
Fox Chase Cancer Center, Institute for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, PA 19111

Margret H. Bayer, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate
Fox Chase Cancer Center, Institute for Cancer Research
Philadelphia, PA 19111

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Booklet Page #15

Public Health Service

National Institutes of Health
Rocky Mountain Laboratories
Hamilton, Montana 59840
(406) 363-3211
FTS (700) 322-8400

January 13, 1995

Dear Sir:*

This is to inform you that we have received a sample (12 ml) of your colloidal silver (1,500 ppm) preparation and have evaluated its effectiveness in a preliminary pilot study against Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi (B31) and against the relapsing fever agent, B. Hermsii (HS-1).*

In both tests, BSK cultured spirochetes were treated with 150 and 15 ppm of colloidal silver. When examined 24 hours later, none of the treated cultures contained live spirochetes. Few spirochetes, all dead, were observed at 48 hours.

Additional in vitro and in vivo studies are in progress and will be reported as soon as results become available.

Sincerely yours,

Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D.
Scientist Emeritus
Rocky Mountain Laboratories

Microscopy Branch
Tom G. Schwan, Ph.D.

Senior Staff Fellow
Laboratory of Microbial Structure and Function


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Booklet Page #16

Lyme Disease & HIV

The following protocol has been effective in the treatment of both Lyme Disease and HIV.

LYME DISEASE: This protocol has been extremely effective in treating Lyme Disease, to the extent that people afflicted with the disease becoming asymptomatic. The largest problem stemming from this treatment appears to be the reluctance of the individual to continue with the protocol when the Herxheimer reaction occurs. The Herxheimer reaction occurs in 80% of the cases when candida is present, and can vary in degree of severity on a case by case basis. Candida is present in almost all Lyme cases due to prolonged antibiotic usage. To estimate the severity of the reaction one must assess the progression or extent of candida. The Herxheimer reaction does not appear to be as severe if very small amounts are used for 7 days prior to beginning the full protocol amount.

The treatment period seems to vary from individual to individual. Substantial improvement is noted in most cases after two weeks on the full protocol. Within thirty days dramatic improvement is noticed in most cases. Continuing treatment for six months usually results in the individual being asymptomatic. Ongoing testing and trials may well prove that one injection of *this concentrated MSP may cure the disease.

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HIV: This protocol has been shown to be very effective in staving off HIV related infections while treating potentially dangerous related viral, bacterial, and fungal infections in the process. It has been reported to us that life threatening HIV related afflictions have been rectified using this protocol, including untreatable skin lesions which lead to life threatening infections, and beginning or mild cases of Kaposi's Sarcoma. We have not reviewed any clinical testing that would show MSP could treat or kill cancer cells. Nor in our inquiries have we found that any testing has ever been done with MSP regarding any forms of cancer. We have found in past literature that silver ions kill cancer cells, however, silver ions can be extremely toxic if not controlled. The controlling and localizing of these ions could well be an answer to manycancers in the future.

Since no cancer cell testing has been conducted, it is unknown if MSP has any effect on cancer, although it has been hypothesized that once MSP attacks the bacterial, viral, and fungal infections the immune system itself could address theKaposi's Sarcoma with the help of immune system stimulants, such as those found in the protocol.

It is doubtful that the protocol stated would have much effect on patients with AIDS that have a T-cell count below 100, and who are presently affected by a life threatening affliction.

The developer and manufacturer of MSP, believes that HIV can be treated and cured through the use of high concentrations of MSP injected directly into the blood, and with the use of certain immune stimulants as an adjunct.

The manufacturer states that plans are underway to have this testing conducted outside the U.S. due to the constant federal and state intervention which has delayed the development of this product, and others, over the past three years.

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Booklet Page #19


Anyone who has an infection should in general avoid:
Milk Products & Citrus Fruit and Juice
Milk products provide a medium for bacterial growth which can worsen your condition.

The exception to the above rules is that heavy citrus "should" be taken by an individual who has a "bacteria" infection "only" during the time of the "bacterial" infection, because bacteria thrive in an alkaline environment, and therefore the more acidic that body is "during" bacterial infection, the less hospitable the environment will be to the opportunistic bacteria.

But citrus should "not" be taken in large amounts (large amounts are more than 1 serving of each type of citrus fruit per day = no more than 1 orange per day, and 1 serving of grapefruit per day, etc.) by an individual that does "not" have a bacteria infection.

Therefore citrus should not be taken overtly or in excessive amounts by even a healthy person re:
A heavy citrus diet can be cause of gout etc.

Avoid Milk Products             Avoid Citrus

Cheese            Oranges
Icecream                Pineapple
           Milk      Tangerine and Kiwi
Butter            Citrus Juice
Yogurt               Lime and Lemon
Gravies and Pudding      Grapefruit
Note: Pineapple and Kiwi are not citrus fruits, but they affect you in the same way.
Lactose Maldigestion - Milk Allergy - Casein Intolerance
Chrohn's Disease and Milk
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Booklet Page #20

A Commonwealth University

School of Medicine
Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140
(215) 707-3203
Fax: (215) 707-7788

March 20, 1995

Dear Sir:*

My laboratory has studied the effects of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) survival and on latency reactivation of HIV-1 in the human lymphoblastoid B cell line, M57-3. The results of our preliminary experiments are presented in the two tables below. Table 1 shows the viricidal properties of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein while Table 2 shows the ability of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein to inhibit reactivation of HIV-1 from M57-3.

Table 1 In vitro viricidal properties of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein on HIV-1 III b strain after one hour treatment with Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein at 37°C as measured by syncytia formation on SupT1 cells.

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Concentration of Special Formulation of     Dilution of HIV-1 which induced
Mild Silver Protein in parts per million    Syncytia Formulation on SupT1 cells
                                            10-1     10-2     10-3     10-4
1000.0 ppm                                  0        0        0        0
 100.0 ppm                                  +        0        0        0
  10.0 ppm                                  +        0        0        0      
   1.0 ppm                                  ++       ++       +        +
   0.1 ppm                                  +++      +++      ++       +
None                                        +++      +++      ++       +

The results the above experiment show that exposure of HIV-1 to 1000 ppm of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein for one hour at 37°C completely eliminates infectious HIV-1 as measured by syncytia formation on SupT 1 cells. Exposure to between 100 ppm and 10ppm for one hour at 37°C significantly reduces HIV-1 infectivity as measured by syncytia formation on SupT1 cells.

Table 2 In vitro effect of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein on Recovery of HIV-1 from latently infected Lymphoblastoid B cell line M57-3.

Concentration of Special Formulation         Number of Lymphoblastoid Cells
Mild Silver Protein in parts per million     to induce Syncytia Formation when
(ppm)                                        with SupT1 cells

                                             10-1     10-2     10-3     10-4
1000.0 ppm                                   0        0        0        0
 100.0 ppm                                   0        0        0        0
  10.0 ppm                                   0        0        0        0     
   1.0 ppm                                   ++       ++       +        +
   0.1 ppm                                   +++      +++      ++       +
None                                         +++      +++      ++       +

These experiments above show that exposure of Human Lymphoblastoid cells latently infected with HIV-1 strain IIIB to special formulation of mild silver protein at 1000 and 100 ppm eliminates latently infected HIV-1 as measured by the ability of the Lymphoblastoid cell to form syncytia when cocultured with SupT1 cells. Exposure of Lymphoblastoid cells to 10ppm of special formulation of Mild Silver protein significantly reduces their ability to form syncytia when cocultured with SupT1 cells.

Taken together these new in vitro results on the viricidal (anti-HIV-1) properties of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein and the ability of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein to inhibit latency reactivation in a human lymphoblastoid cell together with our previous results on inhibition of HIV-1 replication in vitro demonstrate some of at the invitro bioactive properties of Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein. A possible future avenue of research could be to determine whether Special Formulation of Mild Silver Protein has synergistic or additive effects against HIV-1 in vitro when combined with approved therapeutic AIDS drugs such as Azido deoxythymidine (AZT) or Interleukin-2 (IL-2)


Earl E. Henderson, Ph.D.

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Booklet Page #22
Susan Buck
1403 E. Sunset Dr. #11

August 15, 1995

To the developer and manufacturer of Mild Silver Protein*

RE: Personal testimony / Mild Silver Protein

Dear Sir:*

In the late 1980's I was diagnosed as being manic depressive. In 1992 I was tested HIV+. For depression I was given trazadon, but because of side effects I quit taking medication, and in doing so I was caught up in the roller coaster ride of manic depression. For years and years of my life I knew no calm or rest mentally, and then of course physically I was off center too! Then in 1992 when I tested HIV+ this triggered the worst episodes of my life with depression. Also, when the weather was rainy and cloudy as it often is in Washington, my depression would usually worsen, meaning I would suffer with a deeper, darker sense of depression. Not that these episodes were more frequent, but they seemed deeper, and darker.

As stated before concerning my HIV+ condition, I tested positive for the virus in February of 1992. As time goes on so do the numerous ill effects that the HIV virus wreaks upon the human body. Some of the conditions I have dealt with are as follows: Night sweats, swollen and inflamed glands, extreme fatigue, poor digestion, lack of mental concentration, muscle weakness, poor circulation and severe candida. Also, due to TMJ and jaw surgery and thousands of dollars worth of orthodontics and dental care, I have developed sinus problems. I would rise in the morning with extremely painful headaches that would last all day.

On the subject of Candida, I had it both orally and vaginally. By observing the protocol and taking Mild Silver Protein as instructed, not only has my candida subsided, but all other health related issues due to the HIV virus have disappeared. Mild Silver Protein has significantly reduced the number and severity of my bouts with depression. In the month I have been using Mild Silver Protein I have had one attack with depression, and I suspect the reason for that one was hormonal (I changed estrogen replacement pills). Before, it wasn't unusual for me to spend two to three weeks out of a month in a depressed state of being.

I tried chiropractic treatment and had adjustments for almost seven months before I decided that not only were the treatments expensive every month, but these adjustments did not help alleviate the frequency of the headaches. I decided to put a few drops of Mild Silver Protein in both sides of my nasal cavity, and within a few seconds the solution had penetrated into the sinuses and had absolutely done away with the typical and usual headaches I woke with. I do this treatment every morning I need to, which is approximately two to three times a week. As a result, myheadaches have been far less frequent and less painful during the 30 days I have been using Mild Silver Protein. This week I have had only one headache, and don't expect any more.

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Regarding my husband's use of Mild Silver Protein: He has had a massive cyst on his rib cage for six years. It has grown larger every year since its discovery. My husband started very Mild Silver Protein the same time I did. Within two weeks of his starting to use Silver Protein, we discovered, much to our surprise and delight, that the size and length of the mass had shrunk by over 50%. It is now half its previous size, and less tender to the touch. In addition, my husband has also had success with Mild Silver Protein concerning the number and severity of his problems withathlete's foot.

I would like to thank and commend you, your staff and your company for developing and producing the product Mild Silver Protein. I have had wonderful successes with this product, with absolutely no ill side effects from either the Mild Silver Protein or the protocol supplements. I suspect I may never rid myself of the gene which causes my depression or rid myself of the HIV virus. But it is the quality of my life that is of importance to me, and your product, Mild Silver Protein, is responsible for all the joy of good health which I am currently enjoying.

In closing, thank you for enabling me to live a life, a life I never knew existed before. I have no plans for ever discontinuing the use of Mild Silver Protein or its protocol.


Susan Buck

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Booklet Page #24
A Commonwealth University

School of Medicine
Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140
(215) 707-3203
Fax: (215) 707-7788

July 18, 1995

The Manufacturer of Mild Silver Protein

Dear Sir:*

My laboratory has studied the effects of Silver Solution (pure silver suspended in water at 150 ppm), Mild Silver Protein (Nitrate and Nitrite Free at 1250 ppm) and Mild Silver Protein (30 ppm in H2O) on human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) replication and syncytic formation in culture. The results of our preliminary experiments are presented in the table below.

Table 3 In vitro viricidal properties of Silver Solution, Mild Silver Protein (Nitrite and Nitrite Free) and Mild Silver Protein (Dietary Supplement) on HIV-1 III ß strain replication in Supt1 cells as measured by syncytia formation.

Formulation of Silver              Dilution of HIV-1 which Inducted
                                         Syncytia Formation

Silver Solution
Concentration                     10-1     10-2     10-3     10-4

15.00 ppm                         +        0        0        0
 1.50 ppm                         +++      ++       +        +
 0.15 ppm                         +++      +++      ++       +
None                              +++      +++      ++       +

Mild Silver Protein
(Nitrate & Nitrite Free)          10-1     10-2     10-3     10-4

125.000 ppm                       0        0        0        0
 12.500 ppm                       ++       +-       0        0
  1.250 ppm                       +++      ++       +        0
  0.125 ppm                       +++      +++      ++       1
None                              +++      +++      ++       1
Booklet Page #25
Mild Silver Protein              10-1     10-2     10-3     10-4

3.00 ppm                         +        +        0        0
0.30 ppm                         ++       ++       +        +
0.03 ppm                         +++      +++      ++       +
None                             +++      +++      ++       +

AZT (10 mm)                      0        0        0        0
Taken** as a whole these experiments show an in vitro effect with Mild Silver Protein (Nitrate and Nitrite Free) as well as * on HIV replication in the human T cell line, Supt 1. This inhibition of HIV-1. Replication is dependent on the concentration of Mild Silver Protein. I trust these preliminary in vitro results using very low concentrations of Mild Silver Protein will interest you.


Earl E. Henderson, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology

Return to Table of Contents 

Booklet Page #26

Toxicity of Mild Silver Protein, Jan 27, 1995

Mild Silver Protein provided by manufacturer*

Testing Facility: All tests were performed under the direction of Dr. R.C. Renlund, DVM, by staff of the Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM), Medical Sciences Building, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.
All experimental procedures were performed according to ethical guidelines, approved by the appropriate committee on animal experimentation.

This report is a summary of reports prepared by Dr. R.C. Renlund.

Summary: The aim of this study was to examine the health effects in rats exposed to either acute or chronic administration of Mild Silver Protein solutions at various concentrations either by intravenous injection or by presentation in drinking water. An initial (dose finding) study where rats received injections, via tail vein, of either 0.015, 0,075 or 0.15 mg in 1 ml of physiological saline solution, showed no observable ill effects either immediately or 8 days after injection. In a follow up study, 4 rats in each of 2 groups that had received intravenously, daily either 0.015 or 0.15 mg Mild Silver Protein in 1 ml of physiological saline after 12 days of treatment showed no abnormal, clinical or behavioral signs. In a further follow up study, applying high dose injections of 1500 ppm Mild Silver Protein to 3 animals, 3 times per week for 4 weeks no clinical signs or gross pathological changes were observed. The weight gain of the treated and 3 control animals showed no significant difference. Alternatively, 15 rats fed with Mild Silver Protein solution in their drinking water, 1.5 ppm for 40 days, which 18 mg total/350 gram rat, also showed no clinical signs of gross pathological changes at the end of the 40 day period.

Booklet Page #27
Protein stabilized mild silver solutions are said to possess antiseptic properties. These solutions seem to provide means of controlling infections which may not be responsive to currently available antibiotics. If these preparations are to be applied in vivo, it is necessary first to obtain measures of tolerance or toxic reactions. The following studies profile the toxic response in the rat model were performed.

Materials, animals and methods: The material tested was a specially formulated protein-stabilized silver solution called Mild Silver Protein. It was supplied by the manufacturer.*  Standard Wistar rats were obtained from Harlan Sprague Dawley, housed in plastic cages with automatic watering system and were fed Ralston Purina Lab Chow 5001. To obtain a sensitivity or a toxicity profile, using a minimal number of animals, a staged experimental approach was used. Dose finding experiments were either injected via tail vein or exposed by addition of the silver preparation in the drinking water. The animals were weighed daily and examined for gross pathological features.

Toxicity tests: The experimental conditions and results are given in the reports from Dr. Renlund and reiterated here in brief.

Test 1: (DCM report, 26, July 1994)
Ten rats ranging in weight 176 - 200 grams were divided into 3 treatment groups, A, B, and C, with 3 animals each and one served as an optional control. A single dose, 1 ml of 0.15, 0.075 and 0.015 mg/ml Mild Silver Protein Solution was administered using the tail vein.

The animals were observed for an 8 day period and neither clinical nor behavioral signs were seen.

Test 2: (DCM report, September 2, 1994)
Ten rats ranging in weight 176 - 200 grams were obtained from the supplier noted above and divided into groups A, B, and C with 4, 4 and 2 animals in those groups. Individuals were marked and received 1 ml of 0.15, 0.015 mg/ml Mild Silver Protein in group A and B respectively, daily for 12 days, by injection via tail vein. The 2 animals on the control group, C were sham injected with 1 ml of normal physiological saline.
There were no observable clinical or behavioral signs after the 12 day exposure period.

Booklet Page #28
Test 3: (DCM report, December 15, 1994)
Eighteen rats were divided into a treatment group comprising 15 individually marked animals that were fed with Mild Silver Protein solution in drinking water (1.5 ppm) over a 40 day period. Three animals were fed regular drinking water and served as controls. All animals received normal rat chow (see above) and were weighed daily.
After the 40 day period none of the animals showed clinical signs, abnormal behavior or gross pathological features.

Test 4: (DCM report, January 2, 1995)
In a high dose study 6 rats were divided into 2 groups of 3 animals each, groups A and B respectively. Animals in group A received 1 ml of 1.5 mg/ml Mild Silver Protein solution by injection into a tail vein, 3 times a week for 4 weeks, which is 18 mg total for rats weighing about 300 grams. The control group B, received sham injections at the same time schedule. The animals were weighed at regular intervals.
Over the treatment period there were no clinical signs and no gross pathological changes associated with the chronic intravenous injections were observed.

This report is based entirely upon the data provided by Dr. Renlund, Director of the DCM (For details see data provided by Dr. Renlund).

N.B.: At the highest dose (18 mg / 300 gram rat) there were no observed adverse effects within the treatment period; the data does not permit us to make a statement regarding the metabolic fate of the silver. If these data can be extrapolated to the human scale, then a 60 kilogram individual would have to be given 3,600 mg (3.6 grams) to receive an amount equivalent to the test animal (rats). This corresponds to the injection of 1 ml of a solution containing 300,000 ppm of Mild Silver Protein.

John Barltrop
M.A., D.Phil, D.Sc.

*44 rats = total studied
*Highest dosage injected intraveneously through tail vein is the equivalent of a human being taking 86 4oz. bottles in one week or 12 full 4oz. bottles every day with no side effects observed.
Based on the animal model that's a dozen bottles a day for a human without any side effects.

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Booklet Page #29
August 26, 1994

To the developer and manufacturer of Mild Silver Protein*

Dear Sir:*

Enclosed are the results from the experiments I performed on your Test Specimen on a drug-resistant clinical strain of Enterococcus obtained from an area hospital. Unfortunately, the Test Specimen was not very effective against Enterococcus at the concentrations tested. No inhibition was observed by the broth dilution procedure at Test Specimen concentrations up to 750 ppm (the highest concentration possible with the 1500 ppm Test Specimen provided). On the direct application plate test, the Test Specimen moderately inhibited Enterococcus at a concentration of 1500 ppm, but did not inhibit at 300 ppm.

It is possible that higher concentrations of your Test Specimen may be effective against this drug-resistant bacterium. Please let me know if you wish to test higher concentrations of the Test Specimen or if you wish to check bactericidal activity of the Test Specimen against other bacteria.


*(CONFIDENTIAL - Released on a Need To Know basis)


Product tested: Mild Silver Protein in Colloidal Suspension.*

Return to Table of Contents 

Booklet Page #30


TO: The manufacturer of Mild Silver Protein*

TITLE: Bactericidal Activity of Test Specimen Against Drug-Resistant Enterococcus

DATE: August 26, 1994

Test Specimen, provided by manufacturer,* was tested for bactericidal activity against a drug-resistant clinical strain of Enterococcus (resistant to penicillin, vancomycin, kanamycin, polymyxin B, tetracycline, coliston, and cefotetan) obtained from an area hospital. The following experiments were performed to determine bactericidal activity of the Test Specimen: (1) Direct application of Test Specimen at 1500 ppm (assumed to be undiluted concentration of Test Specimen) and 300 ppm onto sheep blood agar plates seeded with Enterococcus, (2) broth dilution testing of Test Specimen at 750 ppm, 375 ppm, 187.5 ppm, 93.75 ppm, and 0 ppm for bactericidal activity against Enterococcus, and (3) broth dilution testing of filter-sterilized Test Specimen at 750 ppm, 375 ppm, 187.5 ppm, and 93.75 ppm for bactericidal activity against Enterococcus.


(1) Direct Application of Test Specimen A

Ten microliters of filter-sterilized (0.2µm filter) and nonfilter-sterilized Test Specimen (1500 ppm and 300 ppm, which was prepared by dilution in sterile distilled water) were pipetted onto sheep blood agar plates seeded with Enterococcus. The inoculated plates were incubated at 37°C in a 5% CO2 incubator for 24 hours. After incubation, plates were examined for growth or no growth of bacteria in the areas containing the Test Specimens. The following results were obtained from this experiment:

Concentration      Enterococcus                    Enterococcus
                   (nonfiltered Test Specimen)     (filtered Test Specimen)

1500 ppm           Moderate inhibition of          Moderate inhibition of
                   Bacteria (1)                    Bacteria (1)

 300 ppm           No inhibition of bacteria       No inhibition of bacteria
(1) Partial to complete zone of inhibition.
Booklet Page #31
(2) Broth Dilution Testing of Test Specimen

The broth dilution procedure, which commonly is used to determine minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of antimicrobial agents, was used to determine the effectiveness of the Test Specimen against Enterococcus. The Test Specimen was serially diluted in sterile Todd- Hewitt broth and combined with Enterococcus (0.5 McFarland Standard turbidity) to final Test Specimen concentrations of 375 ppm, 187.5 ppm, and 93.75 ppm. A control containing 0 ppm Test Specimen was included. In addition, Test Specimen was combined directly with Enterococcus (0.5 McFarland Standard turbidity) to achieve a final Test Specimen concentration of 750 ppm. Broth tubes were incubated at 37 C in a 5 % CO2 incubator for 24 hours. Following this incubation period, broth tubes were visually examined for signs of growth (turbidity). A loopful of each broth culture was streaked onto a sheep blood agar plate to determine growth or no growth of bacteria. The following results were obtained from this experiment:

Concentration      Enterococcus

750.00 ppm         Growth (Growth)(2)
375.00 ppm         Growth (Growth)
187.50 ppm         Growth (Growth)
 93.75 ppm         Growth (Growth)
  0.00 ppm         Growth (Growth)
(2) Results expressed as growth or No Growth as visually observed in broth cultures (Growth or No Growth as determined by streaking of broth cultures onto sheep blood agar plates). Growth results from streaking of broth cultures onto sheep blood agar plates are more reliable than growth results determined by visual observation.
Booklet Page #32
(3) Broth Dilution Testing of Filter-Sterilized Test Specimen

Test Specimen was filter sterilized, using a 0.2µm filter, to remove potential contaminants. The filtration flow rate was very slow and only a small amount of Test Specimen could be filter- sterilized. The filter-sterilized Test Specimen was tested for bactericidal activity by the broth dilution procedure described in the previous section. The following results were obtained:

Concentration      Enterococcus

750.00 ppm         Growth (Growth)(2)
375.00 ppm         Growth (Growth)
187.50 ppm         Growth (Growth)
 93.75 ppm         Growth (Growth)
(2) Results expressed as Growth or No Growth as visually observed in broth cultures (Growth or No Growth as determined by streaking of broth cultures onto sheep blood agar plates). Growth results from streaking of broth cultures onto sheep blood agar plates are more reliable than growth results determined by visual observation.


The Test Specimen did not inhibit growth of the drug-resistant Enterococcus at concentrations up to 750 ppm when tested by the broth dilution procedure. The Test Specimen appeared to moderately inhibit (partial to complete zone of inhibition) Enterococcus at a concentration of 1500 ppm, but not at a concentration of 300 ppm, during direct application on seeded sheep blood agar plates. Similar results were obtained with filtered and unfiltered Test Specimen.

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Booklet Page #33
Product Tested:
Mild Silver Protein in Colloidal Suspension*


TO: The developer & manufacturer of Mild Silver Protein*

FROM: (CONFIDENTIAL - Released on a Need To Know basis)

RE: Bactericidal Activity of Test Specimen

DATE: May 6, 1994

Three different experiments were performed on Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), two bacteria commonly used in antimicrobial susceptibility testing, to determine the bactericidal activity of the Test Specimen: (1) Direct application of Test specimen at 1500 ppm and 150 ppm onto sheep blood agar plates seeded with E. coli and S. aureus, (2) broth dilution testing of Test specimen at 150 ppm, 75 ppm, 37.5 ppm, and 0 ppm for bacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus, and (3) broth dilution testing of filter-sterilized Test specimen at 150 ppm, 75 ppm, and 37.5 ppm for bactericidal activity against E. coli and S. aureus.


The following results were obtained from these three experiments.

(1) Direct Application of Test Specimen

Ten microlitres of filter-sterilized and non filter-sterilized Test Specimen were pipetted onto sheep blood agar plates seeded with E. coli and S. aureus. The plates were then incubated at 37° C for 24 hours and examined for growth or no growth of bacteria in the areas containing the Test Specimen. Filter-sterilized and non filter-sterilized Test Specimen at concentrations of 1500 ppm inhibited growth of E. coli and S. aureus; filter-sterilized and non filter-sterilized Test Specimen at concentrations of 150 ppm did not inhibit growth of these bacteria.

(2) Broth Dilution Testing of Test Specimen

The broth dilution procedure, which commonly is used to determine minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of antimicrobial agents, was used to determine the effectiveness of the Test Specimen against E. coli and S. aureus. The Test Specimen was serially diluted in sterile Trypticase soy broth and combined with E. coli or S. aureus (0.5 McFarland Standard turbidity) to final Test Specimen concentrations of 150 ppm, 75 ppm, and 37.5 ppm. A control containing 0 ppm Test Specimen was also included. Broth tubes were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. Following this incubation period, a loopful of each broth culture was streaked onto a sheep blood agar plate to determine growth or no growth of bacteria. The following results were obtained from this experiment:

Booklet Page #34
(2) Broth Dilution Testing of Test Specimen A

The broth dilution procedure, which commonly is used to determine minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC) of antimicrobial agents, was used to determine the effectiveness of Test Specimen A against S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa. Test Specimen A was serially diluted in sterile Todd-Hewitt broth and combined with S. pneumoniae (0.5 McFarland Standard turbidity) or serially diluted in sterile Trypticase soy broth and combined with P. aeruginosa (0.5 McFarland Standard turbidity) to final Test Specimen concentrations of 375 ppm, 187.5 ppm, and 93.75 ppm. A control containing 0 ppm Test Specimen was included. In addition, Test Specimen was combined directly with S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa (0.5 McFarland Standard turbidity) to achieve a final Test Specimen concentration of 750 ppm. Broth tubes were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours (for P. aerginosa) or at 37 C in a 5 % CO2 incubator for 24 hours (for S. pneumoniae). Following this incubation period, broth tubes were visually examined for signs of growth (turbidity). A loopful of each broth culture was streaked onto a sheep blood agar plate to determine growth or no growth of bacteria. The following results were obtained from this experiment:

Concentration     S. pneumoniae               P. aeruginosa

750.00 ppm        No Growth (No Growth)*   No Growth (No Growth)
375.00 ppm        No Growth (No Growth)    No Growth (Slight Growth)
187.50 ppm        No Growth (No Growth)    No Growth (Growth)
 93.75 ppm        No Growth (No Growth)    No Growth (Growth)
  0.00 ppm        Growth (Growth)          Growth (Growth)
*Results expressed as Growth or No Growth as visually observed in broth cultures (Growth or No Growth as determined by streaking of broth cultures onto sheep blood agar plates). Growth results from streaking of broth cultures onto sheep blood agar plates are more reliable than growth results determined by visual observation.

(3) Broth Dilution Testing of Filter-Sterilized Test Specimen A

Test Specimen A was filter sterilized, using a 0.2µm filter, to remove potential contaminants. The filtration flow rate was very slow and only a small amount of Test Specimen could be filter- sterilized. The filter-sterilized Test Specimen was tested for bactericidal activity by the broth dilution procedure described in the previous section. The following results were obtained:

Booklet Page #35
Test Specimen Concentration     E. coli       S. aureus

150.0 ppm                       Growth        Growth
 75.0 ppm                       Growth        Growth
 37.5 ppm                       Growth        Growth
  0.0 ppm                       Growth**      Growth**
(3) Broth Dilution Testing of Filter-Sterilized Test Specimen

Test specimen was filter sterilized, using a 0.2µm filter, to remove potential contaminants. The filtration flow rate was very slow and only a small amount (approximately 0.5 ml) of Test Specimen could be filter-sterilized. The filter-sterilized Test Specimen was tested for bactericidal activity by the broth dilution procedure described in the previous section. The following results were obtained:

Test Specimen Concentration     E. coli       S. aureus

150.0 ppm                       No Growth     Growth
 75.0 ppm                       No Growth     Growth
 37.5 ppm                       Growth        Growth

The Test Specimen inhibited growth of E. coli and S. aureus at a concentration of 1500 ppm, but not at 150 ppm during direct application on seeded sheep blood agar plates. Filter-sterilized Test Specimen was bactericidal for E. coli at a concentration of 150 ppm and 75 ppm by the broth dilution test, but was not bactericidal for S. aureus at concentrations up to 150 ppm. Non filter- sterilized Test Specimen was not bactericidal for either bacteria at concentrations up to 150 ppm by the broth dilution test. The differences in the broth dilution test results for E. coli suggest that at concentrations of 150 ppm or lower, the Test Specimen may give variable bactericidal results.

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Booklet Page #36

TO: *(Confidential - Released on a Need To Know basis)

FROM: *(Confidential - Released on a Need To Know basis)

RE: Bactericidal Activity of Test Specimens A and B

Date: June 17, 1994


Test Specimens A (original specimen, dark colored) and B (olive green colored) were tested for bactericidal activity against a clinical strain of Streptococcus pneumoniae (resistant to penicillin) and a clinical strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (resistant to ampicillin, tetracycline, trimethyoprim, cefazolin, cefoxitin, cefuroxime, and cephalothin) obtained from an area hospital.

The following experiments were performed to determine bactericidal activity of Test Specimen

A: (1) Direct application of Test Specimen A at 1500 ppm (assumed to be undiluted concentration of Test Specimen) and 300 ppm onto sheep blood agar plates seeded with S. pneumoniae and P. aeriginosa, (2) broth dilution testing of Test Specimen A at 750 ppm, 375 ppm, 187.5 ppm, 93.75 ppm, and 0 ppm for bactericidal activity against S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa, and (3) broth dilution testing of filter-sterilized Test Specimen A at 750 ppm, 375 ppm, 187.5 ppm, and 93.75 ppm for bactericidal activity against S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa. The following experiment was performed to determine bactericidal activity of Test Specimen B:

Direct application of Test Specimen B at 1500 ppm (assumed to be undiluted concentration of Test Specimen) and 300 ppm onto sheep blood agar plates seeded with S. aereus (ATCC 25923).



(1) Direct Application of Test Specimen A

Ten micro liters of Test Specimen A (1500 ppm and 300 ppm, which was prepared by dilution in sterile distilled water) were pipetted onto sheep blood agar plates seeded with S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa. The inoculated S. pneumoniae plates were incubated at 37 C in a 5% CO2 incubator for 24 hours. The inoculated P. aeruginos plates were incubated at 37 C for 24 hours. After incubation, plates were examined for growth or no growth of bacteria in the areas containing the Test Specimens. The following results were obtained from this experiment:

Booklet Page #37
Concentration        S. pneumoniae             P. aeruginosa
1500 ppm             Inhibition of Bacteria    Inhibition of Bacteria
300 ppm              Inhibition of Bacteria    Inhibition of Bacteria
750 ppm              No Growth (No Growth)²    No Growth (No Growth)
375 ppm              No Growth (No Growth)     No Growth (No Growth)
187.5 ppm            No Growth (No Growth)     No Growth (Growth)
93.75 ppm            No Growth (No Growth)     No Growth (Growth)
²Results expressed as Growth or No Growth as visually observed in broth cultures (Growth or No Growth as determined by streaking of broth cultures onto sheep blood agar plates). Growth results from streaking of broth cultures onto sheep blood agar plates are more reliable than growth results determined by visual observation.

EXPERIMENT WITH TEST SPECIMEN B: (Test Silver Solution - NOT Mild Silver Protein)

Ten microliters of Test Specimen B (1500 ppm and 300 ppm, which was prepared by dilution in sterile distilled water) were pipetted onto sheep blood agar plates seeded with S. aureus (ATCC 25923). The procedure was repeated with ten microliters of Test Specimen B (1500 ppm) filter- sterilized through a 0.2 µm filter. Test Specimen B easily passed through this filter. The inoculated S. aureus plates were incubated at 37 C for 24 hours. After incubation, plates were examined for growth or no growth of bacteria in the areas containing the Test Specimen. The following results were obtained from this experiment:

("NOT" INVIVE - REVIVE SILVER TYPE = other brands)

Concentration    S. aureus                     S. aureus
                      (exposed to non-filtered Test Specimen)  (exposed to filtered Test Specimen)
1500 ppm         No Inhibition of Bacteria      No Inhibition of Bacteria
300 ppm          No Inhibition of Bacteria      Not Done

(A=INVIVE - REVIVE SILVER TYPE) — (B=other brands )

Test Specimen A inhibited growth of S. pneumoniae at concentrations of 1500 ppm and 300 ppm during direct application on seeded sheep blood agar plates and at concentrations of 93.75 ppm, 187.5 ppm, 375 ppm, and 750 ppm by the broth dilution test. Test Specimen A inhibited growth of P. aeruginosa at concentrations of 1500 ppm and 300 ppm during direct application on seeded sheep blood agar plates and at concentrations of 375 ppm (only partial inhibition with non-filtered Test Specimen at this concentration) and 750 ppm by the broth dilution test. Test Specimen B did not inhibit growth of S. aereus at concentrations of 1500 ppm and 300 ppm during direct application on seeded sheep blood agar plates.

Booklet Page #38

A Commonwealth University

School of Medicine
Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140
(215) 707-3203
Fax: (215) 707-7788

February 2, 1995

Preliminary studies on your silver preparation (1500 ppm) show it to be effective in inhibiting and killing strains of Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans in-vitro.

Four strains of C. Neoformans were tested and they were killed by the preparation at 150-300 ppm. The growth of these strains were inhibited at a concentration as low as 0.3 ppm.

Three strains of C. Albicans were tested and they were killed by the preparation at between 46 and 93 ppm. Growth was inhibited at between 0.7 and 1.4 ppm.

Additional studies should be done to evaluate in-vivo effectively.


Helen R. Buckley, Ph.D.


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Booklet Page #40



Barltrop, John-
M.A. D. Phil., D. Sc.
Lecturer in chemistry at Oxford, England, 35 years
co-authored two books
120 scientific journal publications.

Dean, Ward-
Author of the following books:
Biological Aging Measurement, - Clinical Applications
Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging and Degenerative Disease
Smart Drugs & Nutrients
Smart Drugs II - The Next Generation.
Served on Board of Directors:
American Aging Society
Florida Geriatrics.

Khalsa, Dharma Singh
President and Medical Director- Alzheimer's Prevention Foundation
Served on Board of Directors
Living Through Cancer, Inc.
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
American Academy of Anti Aging Medicine
The Super Health Ranch
Speaker at over 60 conferences
Many publications- too numerous to mention.

Kleinsek, Don A.
Ph. D.
Genetic Scientist
President, GeriGene Medical Corporation
Served as Associate Scientist- Institute on Aging and Adult Life
Scientific Director- Björksten Research Foundation
Board of Directors- American Aging Association
24 scientific publications
Owner of three patents.

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Booklet Page #41


(A Non-Profit Organization)
Purposes of Corporation as Specified In Article of Incorporation
  1. To gather medical information on a world wide basis, and provide to the public the knowledge of current products, practices, medical devices, and protocols that have shown to be effective in treating medical afflictions with an emphasis on terminal illness, quality of life and anti-aging.
  2. To gather medical information on a world wide basis, and provide to the public the knowledge of products, practices, and protocols that are most effective in the prevention of medical afflictions with an emphasis placed on quality of life and terminal disease.
  3. To provide money via research grants and foundation support to individuals and organizations conducting scientific studies relating to disease prevention and cure, and ant-aging medicine.

All donations go directly for the purposes of the corporation, some of which are listed above. GHI/MRI has never paid employees, doctors, scientists, universities, practitioners, board members, officers, or office staff, all donate their time and efforts for no remuneration, October 1995.

Make cheque or money order out to GHI/MRI in care of the distributors above.
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Booklet Page #42


Barltrop, Dr. John- M.A., D. Phil., D.Sc
Burgdorfer, Dr.W.- Ph.D., Scientist Emeritus, Discoverer of Lyme Disease- for whom Lyme Spirochete was named: Borrelia Burgdorferi
from Colorado, Dr. Joseph Cardot- M.D.
Farber, Dr. M.P.- B.A., B.S., M.A., N.D., Ph.D., D.C.
Fox Chase Cancer Center
Galbraith Laboratories
Henderson Laboratories
INTERNET Raintree Group
National Dispensatory 1927
Rocky Mountain Laboratories, Division of N.I.H.
Temple University
University of South Florida
Developer and Manufacturer of Mild Silver Protein

Booklet Page #43


Throughout the United States:
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Throughout the United States:

International Pharmaceuticals
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Product name: REVIVE
Distributed to Practitioners and the public
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2V 2A4
To place an order:

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Product name: INVIVE
Distributed to Practitioners and the public
= Why we distribute our "enhanced" 5,000 p.p.m. formula "to the people" even in the face of Financial Loss,
Assault from the FDA, Promoters, and Multinational Supplement Companies:

As the old man walked down a Spanish beach at dawn, he saw ahead of him what he thought to be a dancer. The young man was running across the sand, rhythmically bending down to pick up a stranded starfish and throw it far into the sea. The old man gazed in wonder as the young soul again and again threw the small starfish from the sand into the water. The old man approached him and asked why he spent so much energy doing what seemed a waste of time. The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.

"But there are thousands of miles of beach, and miles and miles of starfish. How can your effort make any difference?" The young man looked down at the small starfish in his hand, and as he threw it to safety in the sea, said, "It makes a difference to this one!"

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Please note:
These research papers have been compiled in the interests of the public good and well-being as a public service. This knowledge is being made available to help those individuals searching for a truth who have been exposed to the undocumented hearsay of uninformed misguided self-appointed experts on silver solutions. To counter these self-appointed experts, the foregoing hard factual data has been supplied for all to see the truth.

Further problems come with proponents of "weak" silver solutions. To them the data shows that Bacteria can actually be grown in 3 - 5 ppm silver solutions and it is absurd that some individuals would attempt to knock out disease organisms with such weak and unstable silver solutions.

These are the only "new" bona fide test results on silver in all North America for the years 1992 to 1995 that the publisher is aware of and are provided in the interests of our country's wellness and to stop the prevarications of some individuals.

As this is a public service effort only to promote awareness: PLEASE do NOT call - ie: You are NOT to call the Universities or Laboratories or other parties in this publication who have already donated more than their fair share of time and are not to be overburdened now or inundated with calls.

The astounding test results speak for themselves and they cannot have 280 million people calling on these dedicated professionals. It is just not feasible.

Certain city, state, and phone numbers had to be removed to prevent them from being inundated with calls for various reasons affecting overall well-being of themselves and other participants.

It is suffice to state that the data is strong enough to stand on it's own merit and all procedures were conducted under the strictest laboratory controls and the validity of the results are already attested to by the references duly noted throughout.

Publishing Assistant

If you want further proof, the only further proof that can be is:
ps: Try this only "uniquely" formulated and stabilized 1990's Mild Silver Protein solution which has the smallest particle size in all North America infused into a protein molecule, and not the 1890's silver solutions, and prove the remarkable effects and results for yourself.

pps: a fifty percent decrease in particle size results in 8 times more particles to work for you.

The only solution that is stable in all North America;
smallest particles.
more of them.
uniquely infused into a protein molecule all resulting in enhanced antibacterial properties.
* Names of individuals and companies withheld, document edited, at the request of distributor.  Full references available upon request.
** (sic) Spelling corrections from original documents.
*** All italicized notations and boldface provided by publisher's assistant to enable Doctors to speed-read data.
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(c) 1995-2005